The Beast Emerges

When Vince finished his work, he had created a magnificent instrument that looks great and sounds even better.

The photographs below give you a glimpse of the Finished Beast that Vince built - better known as Pawless #19, the Brazilian.
Completed in January 2003 and shipped via San Francisco to its owner in Europe.

40. Pawless #19 sitting in its case beside a 900 year old cathedral (which also has great tone)
(click on thumbnail for full-sized photograph)

41. Pawless #19 resting beside a fellow woody creature, and showing off in front of that 900-year old cathedral.
(click on thumbnail for full-sized photograph)

42. The Brazilian rosewood has a depth and colour beyond belief, not to mention the sapwood.
(click on thumbnail for full-sized photograph)

43. The Bearclaw, Bolivian bridge and Mammoth tusk pegs.
(click on thumbnail for full-sized photograph)

44. Inlay - abalone everywhere.
(click on thumbnail for full-sized photograph)

45. Neck & Headstock.
(click on thumbnail for full-sized photograph)

45. The perfect body.
(click on thumbnail for full-sized photograph)