Getting the neck in place.
Vince then built the neck, fretboard and headstock and started to finish the top with a first coat of lacquer.
Shaping the taper on the fretboard.
(click on thumbnail for full-sized photograph)
25. Gluing in the truss rod.
(click on thumbnail for full-sized photograph)
Making all the neck and fretboard alignments in order for marking placement of
the Abalone inlays going around the fretboard on the soundboard.
(click on thumbnail for full-sized photograph)
Vince has completed the inlay of stars and dots on the ebony fretboard..
(click on thumbnail for full-sized photograph)
28. First lacquer coat is applied on the
top. the bearclaw is really coming through. The tone difference in the left and
right side is the light catching the grain of the woods. The spruce is
bookmatched, so the grain runs opposite directions.
(click on thumbnail for full-sized photograph)
29. Just a taste of the Bolivian rosewood
that Vince will use for the bridge and the headstock veneer.
(click on thumbnail for full-sized photograph)